Here is a dumb idea proposed by a private company re: DUIs
I recently saw something on a local news channel related to DUIs in Seattle titled “Voluntary DUI checkpoints in Seattle.” And I have to say this is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. A private company is attempting to get approval to conduct roadside alcohol and drug tests here in WA. This company is hoping that drivers will voluntarily pull over and submit to their alcohol and drug tests in exchange for money. The company is called the Pacific Research Institute or PIRE. Check out the link here if you like.
Essentially this private company is looking for approval from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission to begin work on this study. The purpose is to give a snapshot of the number of impaired drivers in our State. Drivers who decide to pull over to participate in this bonkers idea will receive $50 for giving a blood sample, $10 for a saliva sample and an additional $5 for a paper and pencil survey.
PIRE is saying if they get approval to conduct such a survey the drivers will be free to leave at anytime unless the drivers alcohol level is above a 0.05. Then the driver will not be allowed to get back into their vehicle and a free ride will be given to the desired destination.
It’s unknown should this idea get approval whether law enforcement agencies would be given notice of this roadside surveys or if they will be alerted if a driver is impaired. Ugh yeah right. I’m sure law enforcement is just going to sit by and not make any arrests. Especially if somebody is stupid enough to pull over after they had something to drink.
Now I highly doubt this company will ever get approval to do something like this. And I highly doubt a driver would be stupid enough to pull over. Maybe if this company set up shop outside a bar or restaurant and asked people to take the survey before they got into their vehicle then I would think this is kind of a cool idea. But to try and flag people down or get them to voluntarily pull over and then try to suggest they would be immune from getting arrested for a DUI is just stupid. This would just cause more problems then it is worth in my opinion.
About the author: Matthew Leyba is a DUI lawyer in Seattle, WA. He is rated a perfect 10 out of 10 by and has been repeatedly named one of Seattle’s Best DUI Lawyers by both the Seattle Met Magazine, and the Super Lawyers Magazine, an honor less than 2.5% of all Lawyers receive.